Sonntag, 15. Oktober 2006

Das Wort zum Sonntag

The contents of blogs can often best be described as trash and the expression of shallowness. What is deemed as a higher level of communication is simply a mindless form of entertainment.

Votivkirche, WienWas sagt eigentlich die Kirche zum Thema "Blogs"? Nun, für bibelfeste Leser kaum überraschend, ist das eitle Geplapper in Weblogs nichts, was Gottes Wohlgefallen weckt - glaubt man der Restored Church of God:

Look at what the Bible says about idle words: “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment” (Matt. 12:36).

Who would want to give account to God about how many hours a day he rambled on about his favorite pizza place, what brand of jeans he wears, the girl he thinks is cute, when he woke up on a particular morning and in what mood, etc.?

Leider, so fürchte ich, kommt dies für mich nun alles zu spät.

(via Boing Boing)